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Qatar PH13 Cable Route

Singapore NDC 212

We won 260 billion of works for total 10 projects (about 93 billion for works) including phase 13 GTC 736C&736E 400/ 220/ 132kV power cable project, are going to complete from April, 2017 to end of 2019 in order and are carrying them out as turn-key project including design, permit and authorization of material supply by authority, purchase, installation and test after installation.

Won project of SP POWERASSETS LTD (Singapore electricity authority) We won 570 billion won of works for total 17 projects including NDC212 230kV power cable project (about 340 billion won for works), are going to complete from July, 2017 to end of 2020 in order and are carrying them out as turn-key project including design, permit and authorization of material supply by authority, purchase, installation and test after installation.

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